Spa Chanterelle
395 m from hotel
A guide to great places near New World Phu Quoc Resort
395 m from hotel
0.6 km from hotel
0.6 km from hotel
0.8 km from hotel
0.9 km from hotel
0.9 km from hotel
Kids can visit, just make sure you know which house is 13PG (needs parental guidance).
1.2 km from hotel
Taste but cannot buy. Or try your luck with the customs who will scan your check in baggage. Their hit rate was about 70% for my travel party.
1.3 km from hotel
Tỉnh lộ 46
Самый прекрасный и красивейший пляж на острове! Белоснежный песок, теплая бирюзовая вода и вкуснейшая еда в кафе и ресторанах. Если хотите сделать фотографии в стиле "баунти", то вам строго сюда!!!
2.1 km from hotel
Phu Quoc